July 6th - August 24th
A Wallbuilders series: The Separate Spheres Of Government: Does God care about civil government? What can we learn from history about the effects of not applying His principles in a society? What does the Bible actually say about God’s purpose for creating man? How should the separate spheres of government work together? Do we have a Biblical mandate to be involved in government? Tune in to discover the important answers to these questions and much more as we continue sharing from our Biblical Citizenship in Modern America course!
If you miss a class on Tuesday,
you can go to a class on Saturday 9-11am of the same week
Covenant United Methodist Church
909 W Jefferson St
LaGrange, KY 40031
Hosted by - Denise Watts-Wilson
Educational Series. Get a better understanding of what is really going on in government,
and history as it should have been taught.
Presentation every Tuesday of the month @ 5:30pm
Snacks available.
Donations accepted.
1404 F Browns Lane. Enter main doors of the building, go upstairs and enter double doors all the way to the right.